Resources Against Gambling Addiction

Gambless is the #1 mobile app to prevent and help you recover from gambling addiction.

Created by Expert Psychologists

Behind the scenes, there's a brilliant team of highly professional therapists.

For Problem Gamblers

A wide range of tools and resources to help you overcome gambling addiction. Not sure if you need help? Take a test

For Gambling Companies

Innovative solutions to safeguard your customers with a holistic mental health approach.

Safe, simple, accessible from your pocket

The DSM-5 has added problem gambling among the list of behavioural addictions. A disorder affecting millions of vulnerable individuals worldwide, of which only 2% get access to support and treatment.

At Gambless, we believe that everyone should have access to quality mental healthcare; we conducted extensive researches and tested numerous ways to provide affordable support to people in need.

Our mobile app gives access to useful resources, from anywhere and at anytime. Eliminating the barriers and the stigma that still keep many from accessing mental health support.

Resources include


Comprehensive programs covering complex real-life situations, including gambling addiction

Coping Exercises

Over 100 quick and actionable advices to help you overcome difficult feelings and emotions

Self-Care Journal

A handy tool to write down and analyse your thoughts over time, and then share w/ your therapist

Science based solutions

Gambless utilizes various therapeutic techniques to help you manage complex situations, including CBT and Gestalt therapy.

CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) helps individuals rewire the way they think, feel and behave, while Gestalt emphasises and focuses on personal responsibility. Read more scientific studies in our FAQs.

To help you anytime you feel in need

Gambless tackles specific conditions in a stepwise approach. Not only gambling addiction: from breakups to family relationships, from self-esteem to career and professional issues. Whatever your situation is, you can count on Gambless!

Are You A Gambling Operator?

Make Gambless freely available for your customers. Fill out the contact form and we'll get back to you with more details

2024 © Gambless is a registered trademark
Gambless app is owned and developed by Mindspa Health.
